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“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20

We’ve all heard stories of groups of people who come together in prayer and receive amazing results.  One church grew by leaps and bounds after some of its members began gathering before the morning service to pray for growth.

Is there power in numbers? Does God hear us better when we join our voices together?

If, by “power” we mean the ability to produce whatever outcome we choose, then, no, clearly not.    The act of praying together as a family brings us into God’s presence in a fuller dimension than when we pray alone at home.  There’s a reason why Jesus compared the kingdom of heaven to a banquet, rather than a table for two!  Life’s important experiences are meant to be shared.

praying family

A family praying together at home.

These are some of the benefits of praying together:

1. Praying together, collectively more prayers are prayed.  Each of us has a unique way of praying and praying together brings a new voice to the need.

2. Praying together gives  a deep feeling of belonging. When I am part of a group, I feel that I am a necessary part of a greater purpose.

3. Praying together improves my mood.  Looking out among others and feeling their love and care regardless of how I felt when I began, I leave feeling comforted.

4. Praying together opens my heart to the needs of the people around me and reminds me that sometimes I can be the answer to someone’s prayer.

Although I know God is always with me, and I often pray alone and enjoy the benefits of my solitary prayer time, I feel his presence most strongly when I'm praying with others. I believe lifting one another in prayer is one of the richest experiences we can share.  Together, we are strengthened and blessed.

As Holy Cross Family Ministries we encourage a Family Prayer especially the Rosary Prayer. We believe and know that ''AFamily That Prays Together Stays Together''.

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