In our Home Visit Program, we visited Natabi Suzan of Kisugu,Kampala surbub. Her left leg is paralyzed for 8 years now.
''It started slowly with difficulties in walking,but at least i was helping my self. But now I am helpless, i sit here the all day. I got treatment but it did not work out,i resorted to disability.
I can not even go to the restrooms because the place is crowded,i crawl back to my house and excuse myself.
I have grand children who are helping me with house chores, but they are also not studying because their father was imprisoned few months ago. This is the life that I am in today, i need prayers…..said Suzan.
We encouraged her to stay firm in her faith and believe that one day, she will be fine because with God all things are possible and she was happy for the visit. We also prayed with her for God's Mercy.