We joined the team in Jinja,Bugembe on the 10th for Try Prayer awarding ceremony and it was massive. More than 700 students turned up for the function. This is a secondary religious competition that is aimed at helping students express their religious skills through prose, poetry and art piece. The theme of the year is ‘’Who is my mother? Who are my brothers and sisters? We started the program with praise and worship conducted by the Jinja team at Holy Cross Catholic Parish in Bugembe and at 11am the mass celebration kicked off. The function started with Eucharist celebration led by Fr. Romano Yiga who in his homily emphasized the gift of love. He urged the students to love God, then love one another. ‘’Always have unconditional love for one another, this is a commandment that God wants us to express. Follow the 10 commandments just as you follow the rules and regulations at your school’’….said Fr. Romano. Before the awarding ceremony, Fr. Leonard Olobo, CSC, first gave the students the history of Try Prayer! It works! Contest. The “Try Prayer! It Works!” contest derives its name from an experience in the Servant of God Patrick Peyton’s life. While a Seminarian, Father Peyton was stricken with severe tuberculosis. At one point, a frustrated physician said, “Try prayer! We have done all we can for you.” Father Peyton prayed the Rosary through intercession of the Blessed Mother and he made a miraculous recovery, which he attributed entirely to Mary’s intercession. ‘’In this region, we have 4 winners instead of 3 winners as our routine. The 2 students got same marks, we felt it a need for all of them to receive the awards….said Fr. Leonard CSC. The Guest of Honor Fr. Romano urged the participants to continue practicing these religious questions and learn more about their faith. ‘’Do not stop here, always make research, this world is full of research and thinking. Take the theme given to you serious and you have to benefit from it. I also urge the patrons to help the students answer the questions and help them be creative I appreciate Holy Cross Family Ministries East-Africa for inviting me to this function to award the winners…..said Fr.Romano. Schools were given a chance to present and the students really showed talent skills , and there after awarding ceremony kicked off. As our routine here, the best students from the three categories, prose, poetry and Art walked away with shs100, 000, a certificate and a t-shirt. Patrons also received shs50000, a t-shirt and a certificate of participation for the school. We distributed 5 parcels of rosaries to the participants and they were very happy to receive them.Even those that did not manage to win at least moved with a smile. Leaders of the active Peyton Prayer Guilds in schools were appreciated for the good work well done and mobilization. They were given t-shirts as a motivation to continue spreading the word of God. We congratulate all the students that participated and we call them upon for yet another Try Prayer! It works! Contest in all our 5 regions come next year.

Guest of Honor Fr. Romano awarding one of the best students in Try Prayer, It works