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How to Teach Children to Pray

Teaching prayer to children can be difficult and complicated since they’re just forming their ideas of God. Luckily, you can show them how to pray for their own happiness and that of others by acting as a model and giving them examples. It’s easy to lead your child in prayer once you incorporate it into their routine.

           Discuss what it means to pray and talk to God,explain that prayer is a form of spiritual communication between a person and God, and it can help them strengthen their relationship with God. Teach them that they can pray in times of happiness, trouble, or sickness, and they can even ask for forgiveness for hurtful things that they have done.
         Practice praying together to lead by example,try to make praying a part of your child’s daily routine with you, and show them how you pray. Say your prayer out loud first, and then encourage them to do the same. Keep your prayer honest but upbeat so they have a good idea of your positive relationship with God.

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