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Valentine’s Day Celebrations 2017

Holy Cross Family Ministries in collaboration with Nsambya Parish marriage department, organized a colorful Valentine’s Day Celebrations on 2/14th /2017 at Nsambya Parish Gardens.
More than 150 couples attended.

This is an annual celebration which was started in 2014 in order to help Christians celebrate love in a Christian way.
This year’s theme was, Remember, Rejoice,Renew.

The function started with a Eucharist celebration led by the communication coordinator in Kampala Archdiocese, Fr. Kiibi Katerega co-celebrated by St. Peter’s Catholic Parish Priests and 2 Holy Cross Congregation priests.

In his homily, Fr. Kiibi said that a number of marriages have failed because of ill acts on top of greed for money which is put first to a marriage which is a blessing from God.

He added that marriage should be embraced with total commitment and love to one another and meet the responsibilities that come along with it in prayer.

Fr. Kiibi said that many women have put jobs first to their marriages leaving everything to the house helpers leading to incidents of husbands taking advantage of them. He also emphasized hygiene and care especially by the women to their husbands as important areas that will keep and protect their marriages.

  Many families are currently run by mothers, many husbands have abandoned their responsibilities yet a man is the provider of the family and protector while the wife is supposed to protect what has been produced by the husband. This has given a wrong image to those who want to enter into marriage….noted Fr.Kiibi.

Fr.Kiibi reminded those in love to be exemplary that they will attract youth and young ones to embrace marriage other than fearing and condemning it.

''Pray to St.Valentino to help you overcome the challenges in your marriage. Just know that marriage is a blessing from God, every marriage that was began by God should be ended by Him so you should not take it for granted.
Every day is a renewal day in our marriage, so pray together as a family at home to overcome the challenges'’
….Fr.Kiibi emphasized.

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Fr.Kiibi during the Eucahrist celebration at Nsambya.


The married couples knelt down to pray and consecrated their marriages and families to the Virgin Mary, shared testimonies and life experiences, renewed their marriage commitments to each other and exchanged gifts later on, ate and drank (soft drinks and wine) and danced in respect to the teaching of the Catholic Church.

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Couples consecrating their marriages and families to Mother Mary during the Eucharist celebration.


In the closing remarks, the Director Holy Cross Family Ministries Fort portal Region, Fr. Oswald Nkyanungi,CSC, thanked the participants for trusting and supporting the ministry activities.

''Please take the theme of the day seriously,Remember,Rejoice,Renew. Remember how far you have come with your patterner, Thank God for all the gifts in your marriage and renew all the mistakes.

In case you have challenges in your marriage,please always remember how you started before making a conclusion….noted Fr. Oswald.

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Fr. Oswald making the closing remarks on Valentine's Day at Nsambya Parish Gardens.
The couples were happy and  grateful for the function because it has a great impact to their marriages and families, come next year 2018,with God’s guidance, we will hold another Valentine’s Day celebration in honor of St. Valentino.

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Some couples cut the cake with Fr. Oswald Nkyanungi,CSC, it was fun time.

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